Hospice Care
Hospice is for the patient that is facing the end of life with a focus of caring, not curing.
Hospice is not always for the older patient, but for any animal that is facing a terminal disease. The goal is not to seek aggressive curative treatments but to care for the pet by the most supportive means possible. It can be the extension of palliative care when the life expectancy is more likely to be days, weeks, or months. It is not the prolongation of animal suffering but the means by which the pet’s last stage of life is met with comfort and dignity.
Pain assessments and management are an integral part of hospice care. In addition, hospice care includes frequent quality of life evaluations. At the initial consultation, a plan will be developed specifically for you and your pet. Follow-up care may include additional appointments, weekly phone calls and/or text messaging updates.
Please set aside approximately 1.5-2 hours for the initial hospice care consultation.
Schedule an Appointment
Paws at Home serves Chittenden County, Vermont, and some surrounding areas.
For 24/7 emergency care, please call Burlington Emergency Veterinary Services (BEVS) at (802) 863-2387.
For urgent care (less critical, 7 days a week) please call PEAK Veterinary Referral Center at (802) 878-2022.
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